Cameron Davis

Cameron Davis’ paintings are an exploration of presence in nature, using plant patterns to reveal life’s interconnectedness and the potential for innovative coexistence with Earth. Living and working in Charlotte, Vermont, Davis’ paintings are a journey of sense-making, exploring presence in nature and questions about its essence.

Cameron (Cami) Davis is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Vermont and teaches Painting, Drawing, Perspectives on Making, and Environmental Art. She received her M.F.A. in Painting from Pratt Institute in 1981 and B.A. in Studio Art from the University of Vermont, in 1976; with postgraduate studies in ecological theory from Schumacher College, Devon, UK in 1998 and 2015. Davis is the recipient of the Lee Krasner – Jackson Pollock Foundation grant for painting, and Argosy Foundation and Puffin Foundation grants for painting in collaboration with composer Sam Guarnaccia.

selected works



Megan Bogonovich


Clark Derbes