August 3 - September 28 , 2024

Soft Openings is an evocative, all-women showcase and the inaugural exhibition at K. Grant Fine Art. Featuring the work of Arista Alanis, Megan Bogonovich, Cameron Davis, Pamela Fraser, and Wylie Garcia, this exhibition celebrates the lush and transient beauty of Vermont summers and offers a bold and dynamic exploration of femininity, nature, and transformation, while presenting nature’s forms as celebrated, abstracted, and reimagined by these five remarkable Vermont-based artists. Each artist uniquely interprets natural forms—flowers, leaves, sky—exploring themes of femininity, seasons, and the intricate dance between abstraction and reality. The exhibition title reflects the concept of summer as a brief, vibrant portal into another world, and redefines femininity as a bold, potent force rather than softness.

Arista Alanis' works, inspired by significant moments in nature, blend landscape and abstraction to evoke a sense of aliveness and emotional intensity.

Megan Bogonovich's intricate ceramic forms merge the natural with the whimsical, creating spontaneous and decorative compositions that celebrate the boldness of nature.

Cameron Davis' paintings are an exploration of presence in nature, using plant patterns to reveal life’s interconnectedness and the potential for innovative coexistence with Earth.

Pamela Fraser’s minimalist yet striking works challenge the accepted logic of color systems, using simplicity to explore the deeper meanings of natural elements.

Wylie Garcia's layered emotive paintings delve into imaginary floral landscapes and intimate portals, reflecting the wild pursuit of pleasure amidst uncertainty.




ETERNAL HARVEST: October 5 - November 30, 2024